
the boy who cried wolf

It’s actually pretty funny to watch now that the USA is in a full-blown coronavirus epidemic. The administration is asking for trust from the public after it has spent the last three years telling 15000 lies and dismantling or reversing the purpose of every government organization they could get their hands on. The entire Republican party says that government is the problem, until they need the government.


US politics feels like Batman vs Joker

What I mean is that the two parties work under different rules. Whereas Democrats are punished if they adhere to “norms”, Republicans seem to be rewarded. For example, Republicans constantly launch political investigations into Democrats with the sole purpose of damaging a Democrat’s ability to get elected, the Democrats seem unwilling or unable politically able to do the same against Republicans. Only when the evidence is overwhelming as in the impeachment do they proceed. And this fact is unchallenged as the Republicans who were in charge of investigating Hillary Clinton made it clear after the fact that the investigations were purely political and meant to harm her chances to win election. The same now with Joe Biden, or his son. No illegal activity has been alleged against either, other than profiting off his father’s name, yet the current president has his FAMILY running parts of the government, WHICH IS ILLEGAL, and gets no pushback. It feels like a Batman and Joker situation, where Batman, as the good guy, is constrained from all the dirty tricks that the Joker does because of his moral code. Yet that moral code puts him at a distinct advantage to the Joker, who manipulates Batman’s unwillingness to kill to continue his immoral behavior. Because Democrats still feel the need to be moral, the Republicans, who by and large have no morals these days, do not have a problem opening baseless investigations into their political opponents. And thus, the Democrats appear “weak” in comparison to Republicans because they are adhering to a moral code. And with American evangelicals embracing Christian Nationalism as opposed to what’s written in the Bible, the Republicans are free to be as immoral as they please, since their base of voters no longer cares about morality.


there is no more republican party

It seems pretty clear, anyway. One must have an ideological basis for coming together, whether it’s social or economic policy or whatever. The Republicans have, as I see it, two principles left: tax cuts and Donald Trump. I can’t think of any other threads that run through all Repulicans. They showed they are not the party of:

  • fiscal responsibility
  • law & order
  • morality
  • integrity
  • the constitution

I didn’t mention abortion or guns because I don’t think Republicans agree on those issues.

But even though Republicans are dead, they live on through moderate Democrats. They display the same wishy-washy nature about democratic policies, hoping to reel in some hypothetical moderate Republican single-issue voter. Politics has moved into the modern age and I don’t think moderation is the answer.


arguing in good faith

It seems that anyone who wishes to argue in good faith in the future would need to possess some sort of code of ethics that can be used to explain and defend one’s position. This applies to anything. And by supporting this amoral president, it seems that Republicans are selling much more than their current soul, they are also giving away any semblance of arguing in good faith on myriad subjects in the future if their party is no longer in the White House. You couldn’t say, impeach a future President for obtaining foreign help in winning election. You couldn’t argue against the selling of pardons. You can’t be opposed to a future president making money off the office. You can’t be opposed to a future president hiring just their family members. You can’t argue against deficit spending or debt reduction. It seems endless the number of things that can’t be argued against in good faith. And I guess that’s the key. — none of their arguments were ever in good faith.


there never were any principles

Topics Which Republicans Can No Longer Complain About

I have noticed that since the election of Trump, the Republicans have abandoned nearly every “principle” that they claimed to have during Obama’s terms in office. I just want to document all the things the Republicans believe, by their lack of inquiry, is perfectly OK.

  • fiscal responsibility (the deficit, the debt)
  • nepotism
  • rule of law
  • friendliness with america’s enemies/dictators
  • enriching themselves from the office
  • affecting the stock market
  • attacking american companies
  • paying off strippers
  • multiple affairs/wives/children
  • golfing
  • foreign interference in elections
  • murder of journalists
  • corruption in the executive branch

Proposed Solutions to Problems

Here are the solutions, from modern Democratic and Republican points of view, to some of the problems facing America.


  • background checks, assault weapons ban
  • more guns for everyone, arm the children


  • a path to citizenship if following the law
  • shoot them in the legs


  • affordable healthcare for all americans
  • repeal Obamacare and cut or eliminate Medicare


  • legal but rare
  • imprison the doctor for 99 years


  • care
  • do not care

A New Beginning

I started a blog long ago when I started out pursuing music in Chicago, where it doubled as an email list to my fans. So a new beginning in this sense is merely a repurposing of a former blog to serve a new purpose. Now, I want to dedicate this blog not to my musical exploits but to something else: exploring freedom and self-evident truths. A lot of times I want to talk about the political situation in the USA, but I may have other topics to bring up as well, and this can serve as an outlet to continue writing in whichever ways present themselves.